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Friday 27 May 2011

After a Short Pause or how BOGOFS bring smiles.

"How do you make your pet duck into a soul singer? Put him in the microwave until his Bill withers!!!"  

The joke above probably works better when you say it out loud as the his sounds like he's and thus the joke works better. But i think you get the gist. 

So the idea was to Blog at least a month and im not sure how long it has been since my last Blog but it definitely is longer than a month, but after a frantic start and short pause my Blog has returned. I'am currently sitting in my lounge and have given myself the task of writing this in about half hour otherwise I will ramble and ramble.  Suffice to say I have many things to say after my time away, Easter, Royal Weddings, and an unseasonal heat wave I think have all added to my change in mood (for the better that is) but smaller pleasures in life have helped no end and I hope that I am waving good by to the darker chapter of my life.  

Now let me just halt the Blogging proceedings and say that this may come across as a huge ego boosting procedure but I am not very good at putting into vocals what I am moving through but this is to act as a bridge, to any of my friends who read this, and explain things i cant say i suppose and maybe eventually lead to me talking about the fears that paralyse me from day to day. And I hope that my Blog will eventually become more my thoughts on the world rather than my thoughts on myself but until I reach that point I'm sorry but this will be more of a biography.  But anyway this is meant to be a happy entry.  Also I wander how many times I repeat the same words in these things.    

Now where was I? Oh yes the, I have discovered the simpler things in life.  It has begun , as most good things do with a selfish move to better my own life.  In this case, saving money.  With the recession in full swing I have become increasingly budget minded, don't by this, cut down on that, cancel gym membership ( although that was a slightly different story) etc. As I thought more about what I need and not  (superficial stuff that is I haven't worked out the other yet) I began to realise that alot of the stuff 

<Talk about hanging on the grass, not spending money and how bargins bring happiness, Greenwich, say you took a break. have to write things down before forget them, over active mind, dont always understand notes>

Ever get the feeling you have more things to do in your life than time to do it, not in the sense of "Oh my god I cant do that boring job...." but that if you dont do something to better you as a person or advance your knowledge in something you will forget it and never do it? and ofcourse you cant do it right now, time and distance (as in miles) is a bitch.

Random note: The font you are currently reading is Verdana i chose it because it reminds me of V for Vendetta which is a good film.

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